
Name of Dargah : Dargha-e-Hazrath Khwaja Ameen Uddin Ali Chisty (RA) 
[A'la Sher-E-Khuda]

Hazrath Khwaja Lalu Bhai Qasir Chisty ( Khwaja-e-Bangalore, M.R Pallaya, Bangalore ) has personally visited all the Dargahs of great Sufi saints of Silsila-e-Chistiya and of entire India and of abroad only by walk starting from Khwaja-e-Khwajagaan, Hazrath Khwaja Moin-uddin Chisty (Hindal Vali Atta-e-Rasool Sal-lal-lahu Alaihi wa Sallam). After seeing them with his own eyes, he has narrated the Muqhams of these Awliyahs in his Arifana Kalams. Thus, the greatness of Hazrath Khwaja Amin Uddin Ali A'la Sher-E-Khuda Chisty (RA) is also mentioned in some of the greatest kalams namely "Aye Chisth Ke Waali" "Kashf ke Maali" "Bisht Ke Jajmain". All these great kalams are read and recited from the past for more than hundred years during Chatti Shareef Fatiha which is held during 6th moon of every Urdhu / Arabic month as well as in Majlis in the Dargah shareef of Hazrath Khwaja-e-Bangalore (RA). The main Chatti Shareef which is celebrated during 6th moon of every Rajab month in this Dargah Shareef is very famous in whole Bangalore itself.

URS-E-SHAREEF :- The Urs-e-Mubarak of Hazrath Khwaja Ameen Uddin Ali (RA) A'la Sher-e-Khuda Chisty is very famous and popular in the entire Karnataka State.

Some Awliyah ALLAH / Sufi Saints of Bijapur

1) Hazrath Sheikh Lutfullah Qadri (RA)
2) Hazrath Ainuddin Ganjul Uloom (RA)
3) Hazrath Shamshul Ushaq (RA)
4) Hazrat Sayyed Shah Moulana Qutub-ul-Aktaab Haashim Peer Dastageer (RA)
4) Hazrath Syed Jaffer Sakaf Qadri Muqbil Sadath (RA)
5) Hazrath Sheikh Hameed Qadri (RA)
6) Hazrath Khwaja Ameen Uddin Ali Aala Sher-e-Khuda Chisty (RA)
7) Hazrath Syed Qasim Qadri (RA)
8) Hazrath Murtuza Qadri Haidari (RA)
9) Hazrath Syed Abdur'Razaq Qadri (RA)
10) Hazrath Haji Rumi (RA)
11) Hazrath Haji Makki (RA) (Haji Mastan of Tikota)
12) Hazrath Ma'abari Khandayat (RA)
13) Hazrath Sheikh Muntajibuddin Dhoulaki Siddiqui (RA)
14) Hazrath Shah Sibghatullah Shuttari (RA)
15) Hazrath Kareem Mohammed Shuttari (RA)
16) Hazrath Abdur Rahmaan Shuttari (RA)
17) Hazrath Ziauddin Gaznavi
18) Hazrath Burhanuddin Janam (RA)
19) Hazrath Syed Habeebullah Sibghatullahi (RA)